8月26日,全国首个飞行汽车跨江运行场景首飞暨应用场景探索签约仪式在长沙举办。 On August 26, the signing ceremony for the first flight of the nation's first flying car cross-river operation scenario and application scenario exploration was held in Changsha. 小鹏汇天旅航者X2从1.5公里处的江对岸缓缓起飞,姿态优雅地越过湘江江面,又平稳地降落在三馆一厅洲头广场上,全程用时4分钟。 The XPENG AEROHT’s product Traveler X2 took off slowly from the other side of the river 1.5 kilometers away, crossed the Xiangjiang River gracefully, and landed smoothly on the Zhoutou Square, the whole journey took 4 minutes. 这是飞行汽车在全国的首次跨江飞行演示。科幻变成了现实,飞行汽车“飞进千家万户”的未来指日可待。 This is the first cross-river demonstration of flying cars in the whole country.?Science fiction has become a reality, and the future of flying cars "flying into thousands of households" is just around the corner. 编辑:田梦瑶 李鎏锴(实习生) |